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Massage and Healing | Lanzarote

Natural Dynamic
Body Release

Natural Dynamic Body Release | Dennis W. Smith

Dennis W. Smith

Founder of Natural Dynamic Body Release

As a long-time sports trainer, I started very early to become interested in the anatomy of the human body and developed various massage techniques to prevent and heal injuries.

The natural range of movement of the body is affected by various influences (physical and psycological) with increasing age. These limitations are often accompanied by painful tensions in the body and can be observed in both athletic and non-athletic people but what is most important they can be reversed and healed.

Conventional treatments often try to solve problems without investigating the causes in detail. But I believe that we need to look at the underlying causes of the pain and try to eliminate them as well. In my treatments I primarily scan the whole body and also ask questions about the emotional state of my patients in order to get to the heart of the problem and achieve holistic treatment and long-term healing.

To achieve a long term solution I need to eliminate embedded tensions stored in the tissues and Skeleton and reduce the emotional blockages that we may have carried since childhood.

I will discuss your pain, lifestyle and habits and use a combination of pressure, deep tissue massage and stretching during the session to release trigger points and restore your mobility.

Dennis W. Smith
Natural Dynamic Body Release | Dennis W. Smith

What is Natural Dynamich Body Release?

Over the years, muscles become fused and the skeleton assumes unhealthy postures to compensate, causing pressure on nerve tracts resulting in pain in your neck, upper back, lower back, shoulders, hips or knees. This is usually also associated with the unhealthy accumulation of toxins, which restricts blood flow and causes further pain and tension.

Natural Dynamic Body Release works with a range of deep massage and movement techniques such as Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy, and applies them not only to your muscles but also to your stomach to penetrate deeper into the body to remove the accumulation of toxins and stimulate blood flow so the body can regenerate, heal and rejuvenate itself.

Natural Dynamic Body Release | Dennis W. Smith

For whom is it the right choice

For both sports and non-sports people, children and elderly Natural Dynamic Bodyrelease provides an alternative treatment where more conventional methods have failed. 

My clients are not looking for just a short term fix but a deeper more holistic treatment that helps them heal and recover their natural dynamic movement of the body. ​Once achieved you will instantly experience more vitality, feel healthier and younger.

My way of working has been developed over thirty years and is influenced by different massage techniques such as Thai or Shiatsu Massage. I began treating professional athletes who came to me with their injuries. By gaining years of experience, my work has evolved by gaining a deeper understanding of what creates and releases tension in the body.

I am passionate about healing your body and bringing it back into a state of alignment so it can function in the way it was designed to.



Natural Dynamic Body Release Testimonial


I’m Yasmin, a 46 year old teacher and mother of 3. I’m a sporty and energetic individual who became very ill and immobile with Rheumatoid arthritis last year. I spent a year in incredible pain and unable to do the sports I love doing. I spent a year going to a private doctor who basically masked the pain by putting me on strong medication which did not work one bit. 

I came to see Denis 3 months ago and his approach is to heal, to get to the root of the problem, to identify the cause and work the pain away. I stopped taking the medication the doctor prescribed me that very day so there is no doubt in my mind that Denis is solely responsible for my recovery. I have an autoimmune disease and the medication suppresses my immunity. Denis has given me my health back. He has provided me the opportunity to recover naturally and I feel so positive now about being able to do the sports I love. 

I was also due to have an operation when I returned to England. After one session with him, this was no longer needed! His holistic yet scientific approach makes so much sense and I have now visited him thrice since and will be coming here often to continue to have treatments even though I feel better as I want to learn more from him. 

He is a wonderful man who has given me hope and an inspiration to us all about how to live a more healthy and active life for longer! I’m blessed to have met him.

Natural Dynamic Body Release Testimonial

John & Naomi Menetrier

We were introduced to Dennis by a mutual acquaintance who noticed Naomi's frozen shoulder and the pain and discomfort she was in.

We had tried everything, the Doctor, who would eventually inject cortisone. Osteopath who said 18 months of therapy, acupuncture for several weeks on an almost daily basis.... and it was as bad as ever, to the point it was affecting sleep and life in general.

The first session with Dennis saw an immediate improvement and signs of mobility coming back. We were only able to spend 5 days in Lanzarote so had an intensive 5 days of an hour to an hour and a half of treatment a day.

To say the results were outstanding would be an understatement, Naomi left with most of her movement restored, instead of wearing a sling. He also showed us how to build on what he started to get back to 100% mobility in the shoulder!

However, John, who said that while we were there could he just give a neck, back and shoulder massage.... Having had conversations about everything, it came out that he (John) was being investigated for bowel cancer due to the problems he was having.

Dennis decided that he should have a look and so proceeded to massage, manipulate and generally mobilise the stomach and intestine area, explaining that it was completely solid and in a very poor way.

The results were instant, that night I slept through without having to go for my twice nightly number ones, the next morning’s bowel movement was normal for the first time in years...

The rest of the week was a continuation with a session each day, mobility and flexibility were improved along with the other benefits already mentioned, again Dennis explained how to continue the work and maintain what had been achieved.

In short, Both Naomi and I can't recommend him enough, he is brilliant!!

Thank you so much Dennis you have improved our lives beyond anything
we could have ever expected.


John and Naomi

Kirsty Wright

Yoga Teacher, Australia

"I didn’t really know what to expect but I definitely didn’t expect what happened. I cried. A lot. From beginning to end. I felt walls that I had built without even knowing starting to crumble down. I had memories from earlier in life & that made me cry more. I felt like I wanted to vomit but actually it was just emotions & bad memories & old, old pain that I wanted to vomit up. 

Each session profound & different in its own way. Dennis has this way of making you feel like you are supernatural. He shows you that you are beautiful & powerful & that you CAN live every day full of love, affection and good energy - no matter what mess life has created inside of you.

​In short, he constantly reminded me of my power to change NOW. Not after two more years of therapy or five years of meditation but right this moment. He constantly reminds me to “stop the repetition” and lovesssss telling me truths about myself that I argue with initially, before begrudgingly admitting that he is right.

In Sanskrit the word guru means the one that takes us from darkness to light. Using that description, you are definitely my guru Dennis. I love you."

Harry Nightingale

Harry Nightingale

Life Guard Legend Bondi Beach, Australia

Hey Dennis, just a note to say thank you for helping in my recovery & “renaissance” after a 60+ dynamic, active years of surfing life & recently beginning in Jan 2017, 4 kidney stone ops over 6 mths!

I really wasn’t feeling well, put on weight started to feel AGED!!!! Now, after one 2 hrs session, feel so much clearer in mind & feel cleaner, ‘’thinner”[though still carrying a belly].

I’d like you to know, i’m heading towards my 68th b’day in April 2018 with a whole new, fresh and positive attitude thanks to you. I’ve been retired now for 2 yrs, after 18 yrs as Bondi Life-Guard, quite a stressful, though dynamic time in my later life. So happy to be moving on & beginning to undo all those years of stress and high energy output,with your help.

See you soon matey,

Harry Nightingale - Peace Namaste

Shaun Dickson

Big Wave Chaser, New Zealand

My name is Shaun Dickson I’m a world surf traveller chasing some of the biggest waves on the planet in both Hawaii and Europe. I through all of this travel.

I have had many injuries including collapsed lungs cuts and minor dislocations. My body has taken many hammerings.

The stress of riding huge waves on your body tends to catch up on you. I have had amazing people work on me including Buddhist monks Japanese acupuncture cupping chiropractic adjustments every style of massage. U name it I’ve tried it.

Sometimes if u are lucky u meet a special person gifted with amazing healing hands. I met Dennis though a friend lucky me. Immediately we clicked and Dennis showed me his specialty opening and lengthening my body, creating space between my joints and opening me up in a way no others had. Immediately giving me  pain relief. He also showed me exercises to bring back blood supply to the areas needing it most, amazing!

If u get a chance to see him I highly recommend some treatment. He has helped many of my friends and they all want to see him again. Don’t miss out. pain relief. He also showed me exercises to bring back blood supply to the areas needing it most, amazing! If u get a chance to see him I highly recommend some treatment. He has helped many of my friends and they all want to see him again. Don’t miss out. 

Shaun Dickson

Todd Bradley

Surf Charters West Java, Indonesia

I‘m Todd Bradley 47 year old owner and operator of Just Dreaming Surf Adventures.

I have had 1 hip replacement and am on the waiting list for the second. It has been a long battle with pain whilst seeking different people and therapies to work on my body to keep me the best I can be.

Cutting straight to the point Dennis is the real deal after 3 treatments I had awesome results along with his exercises he showed me I was feeling really good but it wasn‘t till I went surfing that I surfed without pain I really realised how good of job he really done I honestly think if I had Dennis working on me consistently my body health would be as good as I could be land he could prevent me from having hip replacement surgery.

 Dennis‘s positive attitude and wisdom is a big part of the treatment what he tapped into was astounding for the  mental and spiritual healing which is a huge part in our health and happiness.

I have never met a guy with a such a passion to heal.

Todd Bradley

Make an appointment

Contact Dennis W. Smith for more information.

Find out more

Visith the Natural Dynamich Body Release website.